zodiaq_hi-macs N911 Julius Drive
Greenville, Wisconsin 54942

In baths, kitchens and beyond, throughout homes
and hospitals, restaurants and public spaces,
solid surfaces deliver high performance and
outstanding aesthetics. Design has no boundaries
and imagination leads the way. Flowing, virtually
seamless shapes can be created. Whether it's an integrated sink, a coved backsplash or a thermoformed 3-dimensional shape, if you can imagine it, it can be created.

Click here for care and maintenance.

View our line of quartz surfaces here.

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premium solid surfaces counters
With the incredible range of natural and man-made surfaces available, it can be
a challenge to determine what material will fit your needs best. We can suggest
which will work for you based on our experience.
Dupont Corian LG HI-MACS Acrylic Solid Surfaces Wilsonite Solid Surfaces Formica Solid Surfacing Avonite Surfaces Meganite Staron